Quick Look
我一个人在家,这就是我所能做的 (I Am At Home Alone, THis Is All I Can Do)
by: 死亡頻道 (Death Channel)
Written By: Gbanas92
Album Art By Lyndon Wier
What a ride this album is. Dream Channel’s darker, more ominous side-project delivers a titan of texture and melodicism. Rather handily bouncing back and forth between somber piano tracks and intermittent soundscapes that only be described as the soundtrack to one’s nightmares, the album slays.
Perhaps the only thing more impressive than the emotions this album is able to elicit is the sheer variety of them. We can’t recall a release that’s bounced us from tender sadness (to such a level that it brought tears), directly into the unnatural discomfort of a horrific nightmare without missing a beat.
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Copy Editing By: Cerulea_d.lux