Quick Look
Chrome BY:
Written by: analogue cometa
Published: January 21st, 2022
Finding a home at Tiger Blood Tapes, vaporwave hero S p o r t 3 0 0 0 delivers another collection of timeless pieces: Chrome — instrumental gems with vintage attitude. Boasting a broader retro character, the opening track “c h r o m e” contains obvious Italo disco elements, soundtracking a fictional night out in the ‘80s. “f l a r e” continues on the same path, glorifying lo-fi piano lines and subtle bell-like synth stabs, all while carrying a profound nostalgia-inducing quality. The mood gets lighter with “t h e m e s s a g e”, a groovy, bouncy 3-minute journey that certainly doesn’t disappoint.
The script is consistent throughout the whole release, offering the listener pure ‘80s consciousness. This happens using both variations in musical idioms and sound matter (for instance, tape distortion and light pitch fluctuation). “i n s e a r c h o f” breaks the pattern, offering sampled, pitched-down vocals in true vaporwave style. “f a i r l i g h t” introduces a staple of the ‘90s, the Roland TR-909, borrowing heavily from early house music and rave records. And so, fluctuating between decades and snapshots of forgotten times, Sport3000 brings the album to a close with a sentimental motif, “c a n o n”.
After listening, you might feel wistful and nostalgic, but we are confident you’ll also be grateful for the extraordinary musical journey you just took part in!
Favorite Track: f l a r e
Get The Album!
Written by:
analogue cometa