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Unbottle // Fangs
by: eventual infinity & Fake Fever
Written By: Gbanas92
The debut of a collaboration between eventual infinity and Fake Fever, Unbottle // Fangs offers a great glimpse of what’s to come between these two artists. This release showcases the first two songs in what is being described as a “series of pop forward tracks.” And given the results thus far, things are certainly starting strong. The first track, “Unbottle”, has a wonderfully summery air to it with some truly luscious synth tones that sound ready to play on a Grand Theft Auto V radio station. The second track, “Fangs”, plays around in the same sandbox, but nets different results. The arpeggiating melodies buried under the vocals carry a sinister slant to them, and the track has more of a malevolent vibe that does an exceptional job of showing how to craft something entirely different out of similar pieces.
Favorite Track: Fangs
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Copy Editing By: Cerulea_d.lux & DJ Nonn